There are two ways to join the Warwick Neck Improvement Association:

  • To pay by credit card, using PayPal, click the appropriate button below to join either as an individual household ($25) or business ($50) or Cove Keeper ($100).

  • To pay by check, click this link and print the form. Fill it out and send it with a check payable to the Warwick Neck Improvement Association (WNIA) to:
    Warwick Neck Improvement Association
    P.O. Box 9247
    Warwick, RI 02889

    Memberships are valid for the calendar year in which they are paid. Members receive the digital edition of Bill Nixon's Warwick Neck: A Collection of Memories (2006), a unique history of Warwick Neck with more than 400 photos. Here is the book’s table of contents.

WNIA Cove Keeper Membership
WNIA Business membership
WNIA Individual/Household Membership